Sunday 17 March 2013

House and Horses :D

So, I haven't written on my blog for a while and the simple reason is we were busy trying to sort things out with the house we're moving to. After we lost the flat in Hednesford we decided we better not say anything before we were sure. And when Rob finally had the keys in his hand we felt pretty sure ;)

We first saw the house online and as it said it had an extra room in the loft Rob was really keen to go see it. So after calling and calling I finally got a hold of the agent and we set up a meeting for the saturday. About an hour before we were supposed to meet the agent we went past to have a look around and Rob said he didn't like the look of the parking as there are double yellow lines all around the corner the house is on. I asked him if we should call and cancel and he said "nah, what are we going to do for another hour 'til the next viewing?" So we went back to the house when we were meant to meet the agent, parked up a bit further down the road and waited outside the door. After hanging around outside for about 5 mins the door is opened and a man in his fifties-ish opens the door and asks if he can help us.
We told him we're there to view the property and it turns out he owns the property and the agent hadn't told him about the viewing, so him and his wife were there to do some decorating. They showed us around the house (which we really liked as soon as we stepped in, and even more so when the landlord told us the driveway around the corner was part of the property). In the end the agent never even showed up or even tried to contact us... (Bastard.) So on Thursday Rob had the day off and went to meet up with the landlord, get the keys and start moving boxes :) We have been so cramped in the flat, there has been things and boxes stacked up in the kitchen even before we decided to move, so seeing how "empty" the rooms are in the house even after we have moved stuff in is so nice. We just need to get some furniture we're missing and get everything sorted :)

Yesterday we took a day off fro moving as Rob has pretty much moved everything already. The only stuff left is our furniture and possibly a couple more boxes. So yesterday he took me to Peterborough Arena to see the Shire Horse Society Spring Show! I've been talking about it for months and months, so he didn't have the heart to let me down :) It took a couple of hours to get there, but we ended up spending 7 hours looking at horses ;) I was so happy! I've been crazy about shires for years, so I felt right in my element. To my big surprise Rob seemed to take to the horses as well. He was so fascinated with their size and how big even the small ones are ;) To the right is a picture of a huge grey stallion they were washing (he wasn't impressed as the weather was a bit cold and rainy the first half of the day). Sadly I never figured out his name as he didn't have his numbertag on and I didn't think to ask... How stunning is he though? Rob definitely wants grey horses :)

We took a walk through the stables and said hello to   the horses :) This one was especially interested in getting a taste of Rob's jacket. Just behind them you can catch a glimps of the biggest horse I have ever met...

 Cumeraugh House Master 47436

He's 4 and a haly years old and according to the woman holding him they reckon he's 20 hands high. 20 hands = 80" = 200cm :D

He is quite easily the biggest horse I have ever met.

The one we really fell for though was a 2 year old gray stallion called Quincy. He was trying to eat our hands right through the box door. His breeder came over to us and we spoke to her for a while. She told me to come into the box and say hello and get a better picture. Wuincy was not very helpful though as as soon as she stepped out and left us alone he wanted to sniff the camera xD

 She told us if we wanted a gray shire she had a half sister of Quincy's up for sale. She's called Quicksilver and they showed us some pictures of her as a foal. She's 2 now and ready to start working :) Would be nice to get a horse, but we really can't afford it at the moment...! We have their contact details though, on the back of a picture they gave us of Quincy and Quicksilver's father ;)

The day ended with a nice double rainbow over the showground :)

I have more pictures I'd like to upload, but I don't think I should squeeze much more into this post :P

Now: I have packing to do!

Take care!
Saga xx

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