Tuesday 5 February 2013

Just a short one

Just thought I'd do a short update. Sort of hit a new level of responsibility at work today as I have been delegated a groupage claim after a fire on a truck. It basically means I will handle all the claims relating to that incident and I'm looking forward to it as it feels like they are confident I can do a good job. It makes me happy :) I was talking to my boss yesterday as well and she told me about what I hopefully will be "in charge of" in a few months time and I think it'll be really good. It'll be a lot of work, I'm sure, but a challenge is good for you. I feel like it'll be sort of a promotion because it's like another step on the company ladder and I've always wanted a shot at a proper career.

I also wanted to say something about my last entry. In one of the last paragraphs I wrote about feeling like people were talking about me behind my back. This was not aimed at anyone in particular but was meant about people in general. I am a slightly neurotic and paranoid person and thoughts like that tend to stick in my mind and slowly eat away at my sanity. Anyway, if you felt like I was talking about you, I apologize.

On Sunday I was so tired. I said I was so tired I could just sit down and cry and to be honest I did. I was not in a good place... It's that feeling that your heart and head are just so worn out that they might just give in and stop. I'm feeling better now though, don't worry.

Now, time to stretch out of the sofa and possibly fall asleep early.
Huggles and nighty night
Saga xx

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