Friday 15 February 2013


On Monday afternoon I got to leave a bit early frm work to start our drive down to Kent in the south of UK to go to Pete and Michelle's renewal of their wedding vows. It took us about 3.5 hours to drive (40mins of which was heated discussion on the Sun's page 3... I think the conclusion was that we agree to disagree :P)

It was so nice to finally get to see everyone again. Many of them we haven't seen in about a year, some we hadn't seen since the trip to Finland back in.... 2010, can it be that long ago? We all had dinner together the night before the wedding and it was a right laugh. Got to meet some new people as well, like Thomas' partner Clare. She was wonderful!

I do love getting together with the people from the guild. It guarantees a good time :)
Best man Mags, Groom Pete, Bride Michelle and "Father of the bride" Thomas. If you didn't know better you'd think he was almost the same age as his "daughter"! He has aged well ;)
First hours of the wedding Rob dodged the camera as well as he could but after a couple of glasses of Champagne and the Jägerbomb toast he was happily dancing for it xD In this case with Julie.
 Dancing with the bride in a flashy pink cowboy hat he found in the Diary Booth (basically Big Brother thing where you're interviewed in front of a camera).

Thomas had been bugging Rob all evening for when we will get married. Rob doesn't enjoy being put on the spot like that, so he was squirming a little bit. When Michelle was about to throw the bouquet I went out to the dance floor and most of the others stayed in the dining room. Thomas apparently said "I bet you will be married within 18 months" and only a split second later someone came running into the dining room going "Guess who caught the bouquet! :D". Timing! I don't want to put that pressure on Rob though. I want him to ask me to marry him because he wants to marry me, not because he feels like he has to :)

Group hug <3

I would have uploaded some pictures of me as well, but all the pictures I'm in are either really blurry or really bad xD Possibly a bit of both!

Both me and Rob thoroughly enjoyed the evening though :)

Now, this is what you get for this time!

Oh no, by the way, we lost the flat. They decided to give it to someone else... But we're already looking at others and we just may have found a couple of even better ones! Fingers crossed!

Nighty night all <3
Saga xx

1 comment:

  1. Aaaw is it really that long ago since you were in finland? :(

