Friday 26 October 2012

Getting back on the waggon!

So I've started weighing my food and controlling my intake of calories again and it's going well so far, no major cravings to be honest (just itsy bitsy small ones). I alway need something to snack on during the day though, to keep my energy up, so when I was down at Morrisons yesterday and saw they had Müller light greek style Yoghurt on offer I though I'd try it. I looked at the contents and the info about nutrition and I didn't think it looked that much worse than the yoghurt I'd normally have for breakfast in Sweden (and a good yoghurt is hard to find here without it being some sort of desserty type product, according to me). They had the Müller one in the flavours Coconut and Lushious lemon, so I took one of both.

It's fat free, which doesn't really make much of a difference to me, as it contains a bit of sugar, but it's nice I guess. It can be hard for someone who loves their dairy products as much as me (my family used to say I drank milk like a calf when I was young and now Rob has properly introduced me to the magic that is Proper Cheddar cheese - dangerous stuff, I tell you...) to cut down on saturated fat... The amount of sugar doesn't really bother me though, as long as I keep an eye on my carb intake (Wooo! Starting to sound like a crazy lady now!).

I tried the coconut one yesterday and I loved it! That's the one in the picture. It's only 120g per pot, so it makes for a good snack. Also I put a few pieces of Shredded Wheat ontop to get some fibre as well. Shredded Wheat (for those of you who are Swedish) is a bit like Havrefras, but is made from wheat rather than oats (obviously) and tastes a little bit more like cardboard ;) It's fine with some yoghurt or something with a bit of flavour, but I tried having one today, just the shredded wheat on it's own, and it tasted like cardboard...

Rob is a bit sceptical about the coconut ones (he's sceptical to them in theory I should add, he' not actually tried it) but loved the lemon one. Just had one of them myself and oh my god these are so creamy, I love them. I love them so much I just had a quick flash fantasy of swimming through Lemon yoghurt, lol.

Anyway, I've had my snack and my snack rant now so I'm off to do some Yoga. Tomorrow will be a lot of walking, so I guess I can get away with light exercise today ;) Poppy sent me a video on YouTube called Insanity Workout or something and I tried it, but our sitting room is just too small for that kind of exercise (also; I'm too lazy, funny how things work out). Can't wait till I can get a gym membership again so I can start training for the 5k's next year!

Now - time to do some sun salutations!
Saga xx


  1. Saga,tror du att människor,innan vågen,eller mobilappar fanns var feta som julgrisar.??? NEJ dom åt nämligen en annan sorts mat,utan mycket kolhydrater.Kanske en och annan tårtbit på sin födelsedag :)
    MVH Pappa JanE

  2. De åt också bark och hade dåliga tänder för att det var grus i deras mat :) Men jag förstår vad du menar och jag jobbar på att bredda mina horisonter! Rob gjorde grönsakssoppa på morötter och palsternacka och kålrot och grejer förra veckan och jag åt det! Det var faktiskt helt ok. Ingen tårta blir det för min födelsedag heller - annars får jag äta upp den själv och det är nog ingen bra idé....
