Wednesday 30 January 2013

Take the bad with the good

Rob left this morning to drive to Scotland to work for a few days. On the down side I always miss him when he's gone because this is a little bit less of a home when he is not here. On the upside though (you have to find an upside) it gives us a couple of days apart which might be good once in a while, considering we live together and now we work in the same building as well. We spend a lot of time together as it is, so I think it's healthy for us to get to miss one another a little bit.

While Rob is in Scotland his colleague Angie is taking me to and from work and I really appreciate that. Gives us a chance to get to know each other, which is nice. She's a superstar Angie is, picking me up while Rob is out of town. We have started looking around for a car for me as I may have to travel in my job in the future, but we haven't found anything yet. So for now I am non-mobile!

Something I am really looking forward to as well is viewing a couple of flats this saturday! I made some calls yesterday and we're booked in to see two of the three flats we selected and then it's looking like there will be a beer and a curry with Dave in the evening :) So it's shaping up to be a pretty good weekend this week as well. I just hope the flats are what we are looking for (one has a really nice kitchen by the looks of it, so I really fancy that one). Fingers crossed :) If we like any of them we'll hopefully soon have a guest bedroom to offer my family and friends who are itching to visit :)

I think my new fringe went down well, by the way! My boss said "it makes the baby look even younger" (they call me the baby once in a while because I'm the newest employee and I'm also youngest in the office). By now I'm used to it. Only down side is that it needs some special attention in the morning with hair dryer, spray and curling iron to tame it (and that still doesn't always do the trick xD).

Anyway, I've just put some burgers in the grill, so need to go get my dinner sorted :) I am HUNGRY.
Huggles all <3


  1. Land rover saga Land rover .. dom finns överallt i England och det gör inget om du kör på nått det är bara att köra vidare ;) ^^ puss
    /linda aka Big Sister ^^

  2. Köra vidare... Putta vidare... Det är en så fin gräns mellan de två med Land Rover ;) Vi har kollat lite försäkringar och den billigaste bilen för migatt försäkra är en Fiat Seiscento, så en sån blir det om några månader :) Så får ag köra den några år och bygga upp mina skadefria år så kan ag köpa en liten Mazda MX5 sen ;) Sportbil - WOHO!
