Monday 20 August 2012

High points

When Milan first decided to move away from Campus (after an impressive, and only slightly worrying, 10-12 years (he never did tell us exactly how long he lived here for)) this spring, he told me that he had walked past the University library and thought "... all the good times I've had in there..." just to realise that, no, there were no good times in the library. He decribed seeing the University and Campus through rose tinted goggles. I sort of understood what he meant but didn't fully grasp the concept until this summer.

It did get me thinking however. When we look back at (usually) the most recent chapter of our lives we tend to say "Wow, that was the best part of my life." Looking at my own experience though, it's an exaggeration (and often a gross one at that), because nothing is as good as what you can not have back - you don't know what you have until it's gone. Such is the case of mine and Milan's romantic memories of Campus.
It was exactly the same when I finished secondary school/high school, I thought "nothing can top this" (but believe me, everything tops secondary school/high school) and then I started upper secondary school and had the time of my life. On graduation day I cried, because surely, nothing would ever be the same and nothing would ever be better? Enter the University years. I've had adventures here I never thought I would have and met wonderful people and learned so many things... I can honestly say; This has been the best years of my life. However, I can now confidently make the addition so far. Because looking at what has happened with my life that has lead me to this point, why shouldn't I expect the coming years to top this?

Right now I feel like I'm really going to miss Campus, because the time here was "the best part of my life", but when I really get to thinking about it... Initiation weeks will be starting in about 7 days. I hated those. It's all loud parties and screaming and vandalisation, and you need earplugs to get any sleep for the first two weeks here. And don't even get me started on their fascination for torching the furniture...

Anyway, what I'm trying to convey here, more or less successfully,  is that I'm leaving the Best part of my life, only to head into the Best part of my life. Maybe it's not too bad, after all.

Saga xx

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