Tuesday 18 September 2012

Saturday = Rugby

So last Saturday me and Rob went to Newcastle-under-Lyme since Rob's rugby team (The Spartans) were playing the Newcastle local team. Now, normally I'm not much of a sports fan unless there's horses involved, and I never watch sports on TV, but it's a completely different story when it's live. that just makess it so much more enjoyable, and I really did enjoy the game. First half wasn't great and by half time the Spartans were losing by a point or two, but  in the second half they really turned it around and made a great comeback. They ended up winning, *hrumfm* to *ahemfm*. I don't know. I really don't know the score. I asked Rob just after the game and he couldn't really answer. No one could answer straight away, they just knew they won. The ref said they did, and he should know!

The game was nice, as I said, but Rugby is really not for the faint hearted (like me). The tackles they use and the way they toss each other around now and then... It just looks painful. At one point one of the Spartans were laying down and a guy from the other team used him to stand on - in his spiked shoes! Can you imagine the bruises after that!? I know Rob can - he's got a really nice one on his back... So it's quite a brutal sport (but still a gentleman's sport as well, oddly enough, as all brawls are kept on the pitch and there's only rarely any real animosity between teams or players), but when it's going well for your team you really get sucked into it. I really need to learn the rules though and I have a feeling that will take some time. But hey, I got every Saturday for an unknown amount of time to do that!

Anyway; here's a few pictures!

Over and out!
Saga xx

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