Saturday 1 September 2012

One last day at work...

Had a call from mum yesterday asking if I wanted to come in and work the morning shift today. Earn some money before I go (very little money). I, foolish as I am, thought "yeah, I could do that" and said yes. I had never anticipated just how difficult it would be to get up in the morning... It was a punishment and a half, I tell you that... Was so much more difficult to get up at 6 o'clock when it was just the one random morning and not during my temp job. I need to start setting my alarm again.

And now then, when I go to brush my teeth Hanna sits down outside the bathroom (she originally meant to stand behind a corner and scare the shit out of me when I came out, but didn't do that as I might fall down the stairs), waiting for me to be done. So ofcourse, when I did come out from the bathroom, she didn't jump out at me or say anything. She didn't have to. I had this bad feeling when I couldn't see her in her room, so I jokingly asked her if she'd turned into a zombie. No answer, so I started getting reallynervous and then she giggles, just out of nowhere ad it freaks the hell out of me... God, she really knows how to scare me - and without even trying as well... Bastard.

Now, sleep well and don't let the Zombies bite (remember The Walking Dead is returning with it's 3rd series in October!).

Saga xx

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