Monday 24 September 2012

They really like ABBA here

Omg I just remembered the BEST thing to ever happen to me while on a bus! I'm going to write this down so I can remember it for years and years to come and so I can share this with you guys :) It was when me and Hanna were coming back to Rugeley from Lichfield. When we got on the bus there were only two seats free and they were next to a very drunk man in his sixties. We were trying not to catch his attention as he had the beer breath of doom and a pretty heavy accent, i.e. not very easy to understand, when drunk, for us poor foreigners... At the front of the bus there were six seats, three each side, facing sideways, and that's where we were sitting. As we got on the drunken gentleman was in some sort of conversation with a young man further down the isle, but a few minutes after we sat down the older man turned to us as he had apparently decided we needed something to smile about. He said something about smiling being good for you.

And so he told us this joke (I hope I can remember it correctly):

"Somebody stole my gate last night. I asked the neighbours if they had seen anything and they said yes they had, but they didn't interrupt the burglars as they didn't want them to take a fence (offence)."

This however was apparently not enough as he commenced with the following story (though I should say he hesitated as it was a bit dirty):

"What's better than roses on your piano?"
Me: "No idea."
"Tulips on your organ."

After this venture into comedy he was quiet for a couple of minutes. Then, ladies and gentlemen, he burst into song. It was magnificent. You know the stereotype of a happy drunk? A bit scruffy looking, but still happy, drinking wine and singing? He was it. He started off with a couple of songs I didn't recognize but then he sang ABBA - Thank you for the music.

Now, he wasn't a fantastic singer but he was an ever so enthusiastic one. I can truthfully say he was amusing the entire bus by now and I think he knew that :) Me and Hanna were giggling away to ourselves, you know when you know you shouldn't laugh, so that just makes it so uch harder nt to laugh? Then the next funny thing happens!

I glance backwards towards the rest of the bus and a couple of rows down is another elderly gentleman. He is struggling not to laugh, just like we are and as I look across our eyes meet and realised we were both thinking the same thing. So ofcourse that just makes us laugh even more. I got to the point when I could control myself and not laugh but as soon as I looked over at him again it started all over again. Fantastic how you can get such a connection with a stranger just by a glance.

By now 'Thank you for the music' had turned into a whole ABBA medley. He didn't know me and Hanna  are Swedish, so I guess he just really likes ABBA... I look over at the other elderly gentleman and he is now sitting there, his hands stretched out in front of him, pretending to direct the singing wino. That made me proper laugh out loud. By now there were 6-7 more people at the front of the bus laughing and smiling. So I guess the inebriated gentleman got his wish. I think he brightened the afternoon for a lot of people that day. He certainly made me and Hanna happy! All of us got off here in Rugeley, me, Hanna, the singing gentleman and the directig one, all a little bit more cheerful than we'd been when we stepped on the bus.

Best busride I've ever had :3
Very long post today but I really wanted to write this down!
Saga xx

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